Resolution: Fixed
We've patched a series of major items in the plugin (and one or two minor adjustments to presentation - like a meaningful logo). I'll attach patches shortly, but the changes are in GitHub at https://github.com/une/moodle-mod_adobeconnect/compare/master...dde12869
Changes include:
- We set a new logo based on the Connect logo (no more white rectangle)
- The meeting URL was never being validated. Connect accepts 60 character meeting URLS. The database field was limited to 10 characters but was never being validated - so would either (a) fail on database entry or (b) fail on the Connect side. The commits here extend the field to 60 characters and apply validation.
- The format of the URLs is validated. It has to start with a letter [a-zA-Z] and contain only alphanumeric characters or hyphens. We do a simple replacement of all bad characters with hyphens and validation fails if first character isn't a letter.
The meeting times (start and end) both default to now. This means that validation fails if you don't adjust them. The change sets the end time to 2 hours in the future. - The title field on the module form is strangely titled in the default English language pack (it's just 'Adobe Connect'). That's tweaked here to 'Meeting title' to match the other fields that are 'Meeting x'
- If either your meeting title or (when in Groups mode) the name of your group had non url-friendly characters (like ampersands '&') the meeting name was getting chopped off. That's now fixed by properly encoding the xml entities.
- Recent fix to add HTTPs support broke the 'test.php' page. It's now working
- Re-enable index.php page (linked to from the core Activities block) and rewrite outputting code to be Moodle 2 friendly
- Fix a further bug when group names contain spaces or special characters