Resolution: Fixed
Please find attached a ZIP of an update to the Dialogue module to bring it inline with v1.9 of Moodle and support roles/capabilities. This is a result of changes made for the University of Waikato by Catalyst in NZ, and includes some other minor feature changes (detailed following). We are now using this code in our production environment.
The changes are currently being discussed in this forum discussion:
As indicated in the "Guidelines_for_contributed_code" document, and if the mods meet with approval from QA folks, we would like someone to add this code to the CVS repository for the module so others can access it. If possible, it would be great for us to also have CVS access to make periodic updates/patches over time.
UOW Changes to Dialogue behavior
- The 'Type of Dialogue' setting has been removed, the only type supported is teacher-student (and vice versa)
- Administrators are no longer listed as potential dialogue participants
- When creating a dialogue conversation any 'Group' of students can be selected (was previously individuals, 'All Participants' or members of the groups a teacher was a member of)
- Additions to group membership after Dialogue initiated result in the dialogue cron job automatically generating additional dialogue conversations for new members
- Users can attach documents to their dialogue posts
- The two tabs "Dialogues awaiting replies..." have been removed.
- A new 'Current Dialogues' tab added
- Status column in dialogue view replaced with Unread entries
- Role overrides are available
- All users with the teacher role within a particular paper (or equivalent role capacity) can view and participate in all dialogues between students and teachers. Role capabilities were added to support this
- Module code updated to include XMLDB and formslib support
- New role capabilities introduced:
o mod/dialogue:open
o mod/dialogue:close
o mod/dialogue:manage
o mod/dialogue:viewall - allow users to have read access to dialogues which they are not a participant
o mod/dialogue:participate
o mod/dialogue:participateany - allows users to participate in dialogues that are not initiated with themselves
- blocks
CONTRIB-1685 Provide translations of language strings and help files
- Resolved