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  1. Plugins
  2. CONTRIB-7136

Assignment feedback: Solution sheet - Introduce new capability for ad hoc revealing of solutions


      Hi Henning,
      we were testing your plugin and whilst doing this, we came up with the following request:

      It deals with the possibility to show the solution sheet ad hoc / from now on.
      Currently, this can be set / changed in the settings and also by clicking the link right next to the file within the assignment view. Right now, there is no possibility to restrict this single (but critical) aspect whilst keeping the main usage of the plugin.

      So we have the following suggestions:

      • Introduce a new capability to be able to see and use this feature - so the admin can define which roles are able to show the solution before the assignment is due
      • Remove the aspect "Show, from now on" from the plugin settings
      • Add a modal warning and confirmation dialog with, if a user (who owns the required capability), reveals the solution before the due date. So that he is really conscious about this step and what it means.

      What do you think about this?

      Best, Kathrin

            mattp@catalyst-au.net Matt Porritt
            kosswa Kathrin Osswald
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue


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