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  1. Plugins
  2. CONTRIB-8297

mod_checklist: lang string lockteachermarkswarning displayed to Students when Updates by is set to Teacher only


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 3.9.3
    • Package: Checklist
    • None

      Moodle - 3.9.3 (Build: 20201109)
      mod_checklist - 2020012900


      1. Create a course, enrol a student and turn editing on.
      2. Add a Checklist activity.
        • Checklist: My checklist activity
        • Settings / Updates by: Teacher only
        • Settings / Lock teacher marks: Yes
      3. Click the "Save and return to course" button.
      4. Go to the checklist activity and add three items (Edit checklist and click Add button)
        • My item1
        • My item2
        • My item3
      5. Click on the Participants button in navigation block.
      6. Click on a name of the student enrolled and click "Log in as" link.
      7. Back in the course content page, click on the checklist activity.
      8. You will see a the message:
        Note: Once you have saved these marks, you will be unable to change any 'Yes' marks

      Remarks: Suggestion to change the lang string $string['lockteachermarkswarning'] or create a new lang string that will be used (to be displayed) if the user is a student.

            davosmith Davo Smith
            jebarvia Joshua Ebarvia
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


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