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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-12643

Capability moodle/course:bulkmessaging should only control bulk messaging and not other bulk actions


    • Hide
      1. Login as admin
      2. Create two users (teacher & student)
      3. Create a course
      4. Enrol users in course (teacher as Teacher, student as Student)
      5. Change permissions in course, remove Teacher role from moodle/course:bulkmessaging
      6. Log out
      7. Login as teacher
      8. Navigate to course participants
      9. Select all participants
      10. Open With selected users... select box
      11. Confirm Send a message option is not present
      12. Select Download table data as > Comma separated values (.csv)
      13. Confirm export is successful
      14. Log out
      15. Log in as student
      16. Navigate to course participants
      17. Select all participants
      18. Open With selected users... select box
      19. Select Download table data as > Comma separated values (.csv)
      20. Confirm export is successful (there should be no user identity fields present in the export, e.g. email, because student cannot view that information)
      Login as admin Create two users (teacher & student) Create a course Enrol users in course (teacher as Teacher , student as Student ) Change permissions in course, remove Teacher role from moodle/course:bulkmessaging Log out Login as teacher Navigate to course participants Select all participants Open With selected users... select box Confirm Send a message option is not present Select Download table data as > Comma separated values (.csv) Confirm export is successful Log out Log in as student Navigate to course participants Select all participants Open With selected users... select box Select Download table data as > Comma separated values (.csv) Confirm export is successful (there should be no user identity fields present in the export, e.g. email, because student cannot view that information)

      According to MoodleDocs the capability moodle/course:bulkmessaging "allows a user to bulk send messages to people".
      However, looking at the code in user/index.php, lines 640ff (Moodle19beta3):

      if ($bulkoperations) {
      echo '<br /><div class="buttons">';
      echo '<input type="button" onclick="checkall()" value="'.get_string('selectall').'" /> ';
      echo '<input type="button" onclick="checknone()" value="'.get_string('deselectall').'" /> ';
      $displaylist = array();
      $displaylist['messageselect.php'] = get_string('messageselectadd');
      if (has_capability('moodle/notes:manage', $context) && $context->id != $frontpagectx->id)

      { $displaylist['addnote.php'] = get_string('addnewnote', 'notes'); $displaylist['groupaddnote.php'] = get_string('groupaddnewnote', 'notes'); }

      if ($context->id != $frontpagectx->id)

      { $displaylist['extendenrol.php'] = get_string('extendenrol'); $displaylist['groupextendenrol.php'] = get_string('groupextendenrol'); }

      helpbutton("participantswithselectedusers", get_string("withselectedusers"));
      choose_from_menu ($displaylist, "formaction", "", get_string("withselectedusers"), "if(checksubmit(this.form))this.form.submit();", "");
      echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$course->id.'" />';
      echo '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('ok') . '" />';
      echo '</div>';
      echo '</div>';
      echo '</form>';


      So if the capability moodle/course:bulkmessaging is set to allowed the drop-down menu "With selected users ..." appears, which contains not only the bulk messaging but also other entries.

      So shouldn't it be a capability like "moodle/course:bulkoperations" which allows a user to do bulk operations like send a bulk message, add a note etc, and these operations being controlled by "subcapabilities" like "moodle/course:bulkmessaging", "moodle/notes:manage", ... - i.e. capabilities which control what can be selected in the drop-down menu?


        1. MDL-12643_Screenshot2.PNG
          22 kB
        2. MDL-12643_Screenshot1.PNG
          66 kB
        3. export_as_student_error.png
          106 kB
        4. 20_MDL-12643_master.png
          41 kB
        5. 13_MDL-12643_master.png
          59 kB
        6. 11_MDL-12643_master.png
          70 kB

            pholden Paul Holden
            ghillenb Gisela Hillenbrand
            Laurent David Laurent David
            Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Sara Arjona (@sarjona)
            John Edward Pedregosa John Edward Pedregosa
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 4 hours, 7 minutes
                4h 7m

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