the answer->feedback is not included in the file moving process
for example
in multichoice/questiontype.php
function find_file_links($question, $courseid){
$urls = array();
// find links in the answers table.
$urls += question_find_file_links_from_html($question->options->correctfeedback, $courseid);
$urls += question_find_file_links_from_html($question->options->partiallycorrectfeedback, $courseid);
$urls += question_find_file_links_from_html($question->options->incorrectfeedback, $courseid);
foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer)
//set all the values of the array to the question id
if ($urls)
$urls = array_merge_recursive($urls, parent::find_file_links($question, $courseid));
return $urls;
should be modified by something like
foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer)
{ $urls += question_find_file_links_from_html($answer->answer, $courseid); $urls += question_find_file_links_from_html($answer->feedback, $courseid); }and similarly in function replace_file_links()
- will help resolve
MDL-10899 Moving questions by using a call to a qtype->movingtocategory() function
- Reopened