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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-15187

Assign global roles using CSV upload


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    • MDL-15187-master
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      1. Create a moodle user testa
      2. Assign a system role of manager.
      3. Create a User CSV file with the following fields:
      UserName FirstName LastName EMail Password sysrole1
      testb b test testb@example.com 9999 coursecreator
      testa a test testa@example.com 9999 -manager
      4. Click: Administration -> Site Administration -> Users -> Accounts -> Upload users -> Choose File -> Browse file.
      5. Pick the CSV file. Click: Open -> Upload this file -> Upload users.
      6. Choose: Upload type: Add New and Update Existing Users, Existing user details: Override with file. Click: Upload Users.
      7. The upload process should report one addition. In the Enrolment column it should report one system role assigned and one unassigned.
      8. Check users in Administration -> Site Administration -> Users -> Permissions -> Assign system roles.
      testa: should no longer be a member of manager
      testb: should be present and a member of course creator

      1. Create a moodle user testa 2. Assign a system role of manager. 3. Create a User CSV file with the following fields: UserName FirstName LastName EMail Password sysrole1 testb b test testb@example.com 9999 coursecreator testa a test testa@example.com 9999 -manager 4. Click: Administration -> Site Administration -> Users -> Accounts -> Upload users -> Choose File -> Browse file. 5. Pick the CSV file. Click: Open -> Upload this file -> Upload users. 6. Choose: Upload type: Add New and Update Existing Users, Existing user details: Override with file. Click: Upload Users. 7. The upload process should report one addition. In the Enrolment column it should report one system role assigned and one unassigned. 8. Check users in Administration -> Site Administration -> Users -> Permissions -> Assign system roles. testa: should no longer be a member of manager testb: should be present and a member of course creator

      Would like to request that the ability to assign global roles using a CSV upload similar to the CSV file upload in /admin/uploaduser.php. Seems like this would be a matter of modifying uploaduser.php to allow role assignments in contexts other than course.

      Discussed with John in http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=91436#p436787.

            sgparry Stephen Parry
            gcduncan Geof Duncan (Inactive)
            Damyon Wiese Damyon Wiese
            Andrew Lyons Andrew Lyons
            Zachary Durber Zachary Durber
            29 Vote for this issue
            22 Start watching this issue


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