OU Moodle with latest quiz reports.
It is not possible to manually grade a question using the 'Manual grading' link of the 'results' tab. Process followed:
1 From 'Manual grading' link
2 Select 'Grade all nn attempts'
3 Grade them all
4 Hit Save changes
5 Nothing is saved. The following messages appear
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/html/icmatest/ou-moodle-dev/mod/quiz/report/grading/report.php on line 120
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/icmatest/ou-moodle-dev/mod/quiz/report/grading/report.php on line 120
Grading changes saved
6 Same thing is found if select 'Grade all nn ungraded attempts'
7 And also if grading individual students using the Manual grading page.
8 But if from the Grades page one selects the completion date for a student and then proceeds to rescore the single question this works.
I have spoken with Phil Butcher and we see this as an urgent fix. If possible, could we get this done this week?
Thanks. Paul