Resolution: Fixed
Linux, apache, Mysql, PHP 5.2.6
Unassigments are happening in courses with groups and foruns, just for users that reply or post messages in the forum.
During a class with all users logged, in some moment refreshing the participants list some users wasn´t there but they keep still working in the forum.
When they try to login again, they were unassigned from that course, and did not access the course.
We have external database integration and in the other day they were reassigned, but the teacher have to reassign again the users to their groups, the role_unassign function delete records from groups.
At wich moments the users can be unassigned? how can we prevent it from happening. We are using 1.8.2.
The most strange fact is that the users that do not post messages on the forun remain in the course.
The users that post messages on the forum were unassigned
The teacher was hiting the refresh button continuouslly at the participants block
We customize the role_unassign function to check admin level capabilities in order to execute just for the admin person now.