Resolution: Fixed
1.9.3, 1.9.4, 2.8.6, 2.9, 3.2
Hosted MoodleRooms installation
Moodle 1.9.4+ build 20090129
PHP: 5.2.4
MySQL: 5.0.54
MDL-18599-master -
3.2 Sprint 2
This is a tracker submitted as a follow-up to a discussion on Moodle.org boards: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=92396#p522335 in reference to the problem that if a user other than the original course creator (the faculty member) restores a course, then in the restored shell, the user associated as the creator of any single simple discussion type threads defaults to the user who performed the restore rather than the user who is associated as the teacher in the course. To quote Howard Miller the problem is, "As you no longer have any users in the course the "owner" of the posting cannot be the original teacher as they are no longer in the course."
We are using Moodle 1.9.4+ and are experiencing the "owner" issue associated with the single simple discussion forums. (We experienced this on 1.9.3 version as well...)
At an institutional level, the "rollover process" from semester to semester is defined to meet the needs of the institution and this does not necessarily mesh with the default Moodle functionality, as many are discovering. There are generally 2 paths for "rollover" that we've discovered:
1. Use of RESET of Same Course Shell for Semester to Semester Rollover Process
If a user triggers "reset" within a course and reuses the course in this manner semester to semester, then tie-in to an enrollment system (LDAP, External Database, Message Broker) does not work as the course naming conventions are not altered so enrollments cannot be automated.
2. Use of Backup and Restore to New Shell for Semester to Semester Rollover Process
If a team of systems administrators has a process whereby new shells are created semester to semester and backup files from existing courses are restored to the new course shell then enrollment system tie-in functions work (naming conventions are mapped to the new shell, just content is reused in new shell), the prior semester shells are available for archiving and/or re-opening to limited students for incomplete makeups, and there is less possibility of corruption of the database associated with a course due to consistent yearly reset.
- The problem with this new course shell restore process comes because currently the only users who can restore a course to a new shell or to an existing shell other than the one they are CURRENTLY IN are users in the role of admin or course creator - not teacher. Hence, the only users who can complete this process are the user not associated with the course shell - so in the scenario of the single-simple discussion forum, the sys admin or course creator is assigned as the creator of the single-simple forum rather than the faculty member associated with the new shell.
<Possible solution:>
Upon restore by sys admin and assignment of the faculty member to the role of "teacher", then the system should update the user associated as the creator of the single simple discussion thread - even if it means the faculty member needs to login to the new shell and trigger a "reset" in order to re-associate the faculty user as the creator of the single-simple discussion thread.
Many thanks to all who participated in the discussion forum on these reports...
- Mary
- caused a regression
MDL-56535 Post author information shouldn't be returned by WS is the author must be hidden
- Closed
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-37111 Linked files cause file not found error in simple single discussion forum description
- Closed
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-51183 If a course has blocks which have had Guest and/or Authenticated user roles removed, when backed up and restored, the new course retains those removed roles
- Closed
- has to be done before
MOBILE-1687 Hide author of the forum post if forum_is_author_hidden() advises so
- Closed