Resolution: Won't Do
1.9.4, 2.0
(23:19:35) David Mudrák: What I do not like is the lib size. plain lib/tcpdf now has 15MB 8-o, 14MB of which is occupied by fonts. I am wondering if we could reduce the size by stripping the fonts and shipp the lib with just DejaVu base set
(23:19:48) Eloy: fonts must be downloadeable
(23:20:46) David Mudrák: yes
(23:21:22) Eloy: easy to achieve and good for everybody IMO.
(23:21:34) David Mudrák: so what about leaving just some basic in the core (DejaVu seems to be prefered one) and put the rest into contrib
(23:22:06) Eloy: I hope nobody is using them, correct?
(23:22:24) David Mudrák: well, actually, nobody is using whole tcpdf
(23:22:25) Eloy: and people coming from 1.9... ?
(23:22:53) David Mudrák: only Certificate and Course ordering and invoicing, AFAIK
(23:22:55) Eloy: cert module, for example?
(23:23:12) Eloy: and can they specify other fonts?
(23:23:41) Eloy: I mean, is it safe to erase them from 2.0 ? no dependencies?
(23:26:51) David Mudrák: do not know actually
(23:27:01) David Mudrák: question is - does 14MB matter?
(23:27:33) David Mudrák: I mean - more Moodle-specific changes === more problems with upgrades
(23:29:19) David Mudrák: hmm, 14MB is 10% of the whole Moodle source code size... pretty enough for the library that is not used by any core plugin :-~
(23:34:48) dan.marsden: David - just got back
(23:34:57) dan.marsden: yeah I think removing some of those fonts would be good
(23:35:15) dan.marsden: would be nice if we could store them in a way that allowed easy download like the lang packs
(23:35:51) Eloy: just tell me where they are stored and I'll create the necessary infrastructure in download.moodle.org to handle them.
(23:36:22) David Mudrák: right now they are in lib/tcpdf/fonts/
(23:36:43) David Mudrák: but without a deeper strucutre
(23:37:08) David Mudrák: I do not know yet how to prepare them into separate packages
(23:38:03) ***David Mudrák will look into tcpdf src to check out how fonts are handled and how can be modularized
(23:38:12) dan.marsden: I remember vaguely looking at this and thinking it should be possible
(23:38:30) David Mudrák: everything thinkable is possible
(23:38:35) dan.marsden: heh
(23:38:40) Eloy: well, it's not important if all them end in the same directory. But obviously they'll need to be grouped in contrib
(23:38:59) David Mudrák: Eloy: right
(23:39:15) Eloy: contrib->fonts->helvetica (containing bold, italic...)
contrib->fonts->apple_garamond (containing bold, italic...)
(23:39:34) dan.marsden: I've been testing a newer version of tcpdf and found it to be much better on filesize
(23:39:37) Eloy: obviously branched since the beginning
(23:39:55) dan.marsden: not testing the version released today though.
(23:40:38) David Mudrák: Eloy: +1 but needs checking how tightly thay are connected with TCPDF
(23:40:51) Eloy: yup, yup, of course
(23:41:00) David Mudrák: contrib>fonts>tcpdf>*
(23:41:19) Eloy: np (that's the idea)
(23:41:20) dan.marsden: tcpdf/tcpdf_config.php contains the path for fonts
(23:41:25) mattc [mattc@moodle.org/Home] vstoupil do místnosti.
(23:41:30) dan.marsden: so theoretically we could just change that path
(23:41:47) Eloy: dataroot/fonts
(23:42:03) dan.marsden: might need to be dataroot/tcpdffonts
(23:42:04) David Mudrák: dan: we alreay support different path int the wrapper lib/pdflib.php
(23:42:07) Eloy: hehe, yes
(23:42:55) Eloy: dataroot/fonts/tcpdf (folowing david's proposal above)
(23:43:07) dan.marsden: cool.
(23:43:09) Eloy: in case we want to introduce goshtscript fonts later
(23:43:13) Eloy: :-P
(23:43:34) Eloy: or latex fonts... or... who knows.