First you have to give a user the capability “createpublictemplate” and if the user should be able to delete a public template so also the capability “deletetemplate”. Both capabilities must be given for the system-context. I have done this by creating a new empty role with just this two capabilities and have a user assigned at “Assign system roles”
The user should also have the capabilities like a teacher on a course-context so that the user can create/modify a feedback.
Login as that user
Create a feedback in any course
Insert one or more question-items but at least one label with an image
Go to the Templates-tab. You should see the checkbox “public”.
Check the box "public", put a name in the textbox and safe a new template
The dropdownbox should now show this new template grouped by “public”
Safe a template again but without checking the box "public". This template should be listed grouped by “course”.
Click on “Delete template…” All templates are grouped by “course” and “public”
Login as any editingteacher and go into a course.
Create a new empty feedback.
Go to the Templates-tab.
In the dropdownbox the public template should be shown.
Select this template.
Now the preview of the template is shown and also the included image!
Click on "Save changes" to use this template for the feedback.
You will be redirected to the "Edit question" area.
There should be shown the questions from template including the image!