Resolution: Won't Fix
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-17629 Workout why we are getting foreign key violations on mnet_host.applicationid
- Closed
MDL-21554 ORA-0918 when signing in from Mahara (MNET)
- Closed
MDL-16841 Mnet isn't work when the setting of mnet_dispatcher_mode is 'dangerous'.
- Closed
MDL-17038 Courses with long names halt mnet log shipping
- Closed
MDL-8187 new mnet code does not use SITEID to find out if course is site
- Closed
MDL-14117 Public key generating won't work if the site name is too long (> 64 characters)
- Closed
MDL-16561 Moving a site breaks mnet
- Closed
MDL-17782 Unable to edit profile on networked site
- Closed
MDL-17863 mnet_host.portno field unable to hold port number higher than 255 in mysql (making https impossible)
- Closed
MDL-18720 print_mnet_log treats $course as an object, even though an integer is passed in
- Closed
MDL-18758 mnet should reject incoming users without all data in user_not_fully_set_up
- Closed
MDL-18759 if a remote user is not fully set up, moodle gets in an infinite view user/edit user loop (mnet)
- Closed
MDL-18795 Mnet unable to enrol user where they were previously manually enrolled.
- Closed
MDL-19219 numeric array keys lost where array is returned over mnet.
- Closed
MDL-19239 mnet code should not access mdl_config_plugins table directly - moodlelib functions should be used
- Closed
MDL-20059 "Confirm your email address" feature not working
- Closed
MDL-21018 Mnet - link to mnet_email.php shows when it shouldn't
- Closed
MDL-21027 Profile pictures when jumping to remote instance
- Closed
MDL-21297 mnet enrolment plugin has no error handling
- Closed
MDL-21298 mnet error reporting when autoaddremoteusers is off is very unhelpful
- Closed
MDL-12885 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/mahara/admin/mnet/mnet_services.php on line 60
- Closed
MDL-17735 XML-SIG wrapper wrongly identifies signature method as DSA-SHA1
- Closed
MDL-14624 mnet can't setup a peer when a proxy is in use.
- Closed
MDL-17169 Protect XML-RPC responses from loose PHP libraries and debug modes
- Closed
MDL-20660 Pass student ID over MNET from Moodle
- Closed