Was adding some scorm packages to my 2.0 version in order to implement backup... and discovered some minor glitches here and there:
- The TOC shows some missing icons.
- There is one big blank space between the bottom of the scorm visualization and moodle's footer.
- Viewing results, I get this debug message: Missing picture property in $user object, this is a performance problem that needs to be fixed by a developer. Please use user_picture::fields() to get the full list of required fields.
line 108 of /lib/outputcomponents.php: call to debugging()
line 1613 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to user_picture->__construct()
line 459 of /mod/scorm/report.php: call to core_renderer->user_picture()
- is duplicated by
MDL-26545 Error when viewing Scorm results attempt
- Closed