New Feature
Resolution: Duplicate
1.9.9, 2.0
Hmm.. I did some search here in the bug tracker but couldn't find any ticket created about this (hopefully I didn't miss anything). I think it would be a great idea to add another "Subscription" option to the forum so that people could choose "Send me email copies of replies to this topic/thread only."
I checked with the latest 1.9.9+ and 2.0 RC1, but both still do not have this feature yet.
This would be extremely helpful for some courses or like moodle.org forums, which a lot of us doesn't really have time to "follow" the whole forum (e.g. the "General Developer's Forum"), but would like to get updated with a certain discussion topic/thread. I understand that currently we have something like http://moodle.org/useful/ and "unread" tags, but these are not as practical and useful for the users (students) to choose which topic they want to receive email copies of posts. See screenshot for more info.
- duplicates
MDL-1626 Forum: Per-discussion subscription
- Closed