Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
LAMP, all up to date, Moodle build: 20101026
Cannot 'Choose' an IMS content package with unescaped apostrophes, but can still previewit.
Expected behaviour is usual IMS content package behaviour.
Actual behaviour: Go to course, click Add a new IMS Content Package. Add a title. Click Browse Repository. Click folder, click Choose, nothing happens.
Pulling the HTML code for the broken item gives the following, noting that there are extra apostrophes in the word "children's" both in plain text and within the javascript onClick event handler:
<li><img src="images/ims.gif" alt="IMS CP Package" /> L3 Diploma for CYPW TRP - CYP3.3 Safeguard children's well-being(<a onclick="set_opener_value('id_reference_value', '#/Children and Young People/vle0435031237_L3Dip_CYPW_TRP_3_3', true); set_opener_value('id_name', 'L3 Diploma for CYPW TRP - CYP3.3 Safeguard children's well-being', false); window.close()" href="#">Choose</a>) (<a href="preview.php?directory=/Children and Young People/vle0435031237_L3Dip_CYPW_TRP_3_3&choose=id_reference_value">Preview</a>)</li>