There is no check for mod/scorm:viewscores called when looking at the page: your_url/mod/scorm/view.php?id=##
when the capability mod/scorm:viewscores is set to prohibit or prevent there is no check to ensure that the score should be displayed.
view.php calls - scorm_view_display() from locallib.php
locallib.php has the following:
$result = scorm_get_toc($user,$scorm,'structlist',$orgidentifier);
echo $result->toc;
scorm_get_toc() is called from the corresponding version of scorm in mod/scorm/datamodels/
somewhere before $result is passed back should be a check to see:
if (has_capability('mod/scorm:viewscores', $context))
or once it is passed back $result->sco could be cleared out if the capability is not allowed