Resolution: Fixed
2.0.1, 2.3.6, 2.4.3, 2.5
CentOS 5.5, Oracle 10g, PHP 5.3.5 with oci8 library
Problem with query with In operator with more than 1000 condition in it (error ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000)
Proposed solution:
an hack in the lib/dml/oci_nativa_moodle_database.php
Due to the fact we are working at the library level, it's not possible to use a subquery instead of the "long" list of parameters. We adopted the other suggested approach: to parse the sql code for the IN operator with more than 1000 conditions and to rewrite it as a series of IN operators connected through the OR condition (suggestion from http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=233143)
The hack is the following:
//LkM79 for ISP, 2010-04-03
/lib/dml/oci_native_moodle_database.php> : 1040 //added some lines to use the defined method "ORA01795_hack" on the SQL query
//LkM79 for ISP, 2010-04-03
{moodle}/lib/dml/oci_native_moodle_database.php> : 981 //added some lines (a function) to split every IN clause with more than 1000 conditions in a OR combination of many shorter IN lists
- Driver specific hack for introducing a sort of support for IN list with more than 1000 condition
- split the IN list with more than 1000 co0nditions in many lists, connected through an OR operator
- @return string
- LkM79 for ISP, 2010-04-03
public function ORA01795_hack($sql){
//var_dump(stripos($sql,"IN (?,"));
$start=stripos($sql," IN (?,");
if($start>1) {
$in_list=substr($sql, $start,$end);
$field=strrchr($sql_i, " ");
$sql_in=' (';
$sql_in.=" $field IN (";
if($i<($slices -1)){
$sql_in.='?) OR ';
for($t=0;$t<((count($n)-(($slices -1)*$step))-1);$t++){ $sql_in.='?,'; }
return $sql;
Attached, the modified version of the oci_native_moodle_database.php file
- duplicates
MDL-24568 Course import page fails if user has > 1000 courses (ORA-01795)
- Closed
MDL-35334 Create oracle-specific version of get_in_or_equal() to handle limit of 1000 items
- Closed
- has a non-specific relationship to
CONTRIB-4643 Improve performance of get results queries
- Resolved
MDL-39193 ORA-01795 in Bulk User action when selecting more than 1000 users
- Closed
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-27072 Quiz reports should use enroled users code, not get_users_by_capability
- Closed
MDL-46682 External DB auth: IN sql clause can get too big
- Closed
MDL-70055 Support large number of SQL-IN parameters in Postgres
- Closed
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-39396 Add some developer warning on SQL's IN() abuse
- Closed