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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-28081

Visible line break tag in coursehelpnewsitemsnumber


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 2.1
    • Administration
    • wip-mdl-28081
    • Easy
    • Hide
      1. Log in as administrator
      2. In the Settings menu, expand "Site administration"
      3. Expand Courses
      4. Click on "Course default settings"
      5. Find the setting for "Items to Show" and note that no <br/> tag should be visible.
      Log in as administrator In the Settings menu, expand "Site administration" Expand Courses Click on "Course default settings" Find the setting for "Items to Show" and note that no <br/> tag should be visible.

      The break tag in $string['coursehelpnewsitemsnumber'] doesn't have spaces around it and thus doesn't render correctly in Course Default Settings > News Items to Show.

      2.1 patch: https://github.com/mackensen/moodle/commit/eddd0574525d71fdaef552760f954c0b3cd7e11a.

      Replication instructions:

      1. Log in as administrator
      2. In the Settings menu, expand "Site administration"
      3. Expand Courses
      4. Click on "Course default settings"
      5. Find the setting for "Items to Show" and note that it includes a visible <br/> tag.

            rajeshtaneja Rajesh Taneja
            cfulton Charles Fulton
            Sam Hemelryk Sam Hemelryk
            17 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue


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