Resolution: Fixed
OSX Server, Apache, MySQL PSP
If you duplicate an assignment that has course completion enabled then course completion no longer works.
If you then go to the course completion report, or the course completion settings you get the following errors.
Found more than one record in fetch() !
Debugging on
More information about this error Stack trace:
line 429 of /lib/setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown
line 130 of /lib/completion/data_object.php: call to print_error()
line 83 of /lib/completion/completion_aggregation.php: call to data_object::fetch_helper()
line 65 of /lib/completion/data_object.php: call to completion_aggregation::fetch()
line 374 of /lib/completionlib.php: call to data_object->__construct()
line 65 of /course/completion_form.php: call to completion_info->get_aggregation_method()
line 152 of /lib/formslib.php: call to course_completion_form->definition()
line 73 of /course/completion.php: call to moodleform->moodleform()
The table mdl_course_completion_aggr_methd is then populated with 1000's of records relating to the course with the issue. Only fix is to delete these records. Then all works fine.
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-30692 Consider creating one unique index on course_completion_aggr_methd (course, criteriatype)
- Closed
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-31441 Course completion/"Found more than one record in fetch() bug not fixed yet
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MDL-30825 Duplicating activities causes duplicate rows in course_completion_aggr_methd when course completion enabled
- Closed
MDL-29870 "Found more than one record in fetch() !" on duplicating activity
- Closed
MDL-29985 Cron backup fails due to Completion tracking/Activity Completion
- Closed