Resolution: Won't Fix
When a teacher clicks on attempts for a quiz, the navigation menu takes over, not the settings menu and the 4 results reports are not there. I used the water course in demo.moodle.net trying to document this 2.0 quiz feature.
Evidently a XXXQuiz>Info link is shown in a context menu for Settings>Quiz administration which is where I think Results is an info item and should also be located. It is a logical place for it.
However from a XXXQuiz>Info link, a click on "Attempts" moves it to Navigation>My courses>XXXCourse>###Topic>XXXQuiz>Results. I can see the Info link on this menu but no "Results" on the Settings menu.
It is not friendly, The Nav menu location of "Results" depends upon its topic location. The water course had the quiz in Topic 6, so Results was off my screen. A Settings>Quiz administration does should not bury it. Think about my Nav menu where I sometimes have 40 quizzes in a section, over 170 in a course. The Nav menu in my 170th quiz will make it a pain to switch from grades to Stats reports.
I think this was an oversight. I attached screen shots of how it is and where I think it should go. Best to all Chris
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-29630 Harmonize access to grades and reports for all activities
- Closed