Resolution: Duplicate
Quiz reports should be in the Quiz administration block (too).
We have 60 to 140 quizzes and re-quizzes in a course. Usually located in 2 to 4 sections.
When my teacher is looking at a quiz, they are doing administrative tasks. They are not students trying to navigate to the quiz. They have clicked on the quiz in the course directly because it is quicker. There is more text lines to scroll down in the navigation pain. There are more menus triangles to open or close as well. Remember all those quizzes are showing up in gray for the teachers when they are closed, they are not hidden.
The Quiz administration link immediately appears in course when you are in a quiz, regardless how you get there. Good luck getting to it if you happen to have a navigation section open with 30 quizzes in it. I am not anti navigation block, I just want to dock it and not use it when I am doing administrative tasks.
Obviously I don't understand this except that there are reports that students need and we don't want them in the quiz administrative block. Good idea, but it is not very friendly for the teachers.
Thanks for reading
- duplicates
MDL-28496 Quiz report menu (Results) needs to be on Settings>Course administration>Quiz
- Closed