Resolution: Duplicate
2.1, 2.2
Currently the mod/assignment provides a link to "Download all assignments as a zip", which is great except that all the students' work shows up in the same directory. Instead of using a modified filename to separate students' work it would be better (IMHO ) to put each student's work into a separate folder (named with the student's first & last name), and then keep the original file name (and extension) for each file.
This can be accomplished by changing line 1118 in mod/assignment/type/upload/assignment.class.php
$fileforzipname = clean_filename($a_user->lastname.' '. $a_user->firstname ) . "/" . clean_filename($fileoriginal . $fileext);
(this is in the download_submissions() function, in the foreach ($files as $file) loop).
I've put my changes on github at https://github.com/MikeTheGreat/moodle/tree/MDL-29343-SubfoldersForDownload (based on MOODLE_21_STABLE)
NOTE: The above change will unconditionally download as "Lastname Firstname" / "OriginalFilename.ext" - I'm not sure how to allow the user to easily choose between "Lastname Firstname" and "Firstname Lastname"
- duplicates
MDL-56022 MDL-52489 adds hundreds of clicks to teachers using offline grading
- Closed
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-7206 Can not download all submitted assignment at once compressed in one single zip file
- Closed
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-30432 "Download all assignments as a zip" in assignments don't copy files with same name from the same student
- Closed
MDL-32397 Allow more finegrained control over submitted filenames in collective zip download of assignment
- Closed
- is blocked by
MDL-52489 "Download all submissions as a zip" don't copy files with same name from the same student and folder structure is lost
- Closed