Resolution: Deferred
2.1.1, 4.1, 4.3
Access to grades and reports is inconsistent across activities in Moodle 4.x. The inconsistency is confusing for teachers.
Assignment, Forum, Lesson and Quiz have buttons or links on the view activity page.
H5P, Lesson, Quiz and SCORM have Reports or Results links in the secondary navigation (under the activity name).
Lesson, Quiz and SCORM have additional links in the tertiary navigation (dropdown menu).
Original description describing Moodle 2.1:
Assignments, lesson and quiz activities handle access to activity grades different. Assignment module and lesson module offer a link in settings block. Quiz module does it in navigation block. Forum and workshop don't offer any overview about grades. This is confusing for teachers and should be done in the same way for all modules creating grades.
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-28496 Quiz report menu (Results) needs to be on Settings>Course administration>Quiz
- Closed
- has been marked as being related by
MDL-34216 Add a new Link from Module's settings page ("Common Setting" section) to current module's Gradebook activity settings
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MDL-35554 Show Quiz Stats in Quiz Administraion Settings block
- Closed