Testing Instructions
For all checks, you will need to be in RTL mode. getting into RTL mode is possible after installing an RTL language pack. for example Hebrew. Now, you can set RTL mode system wide or just inside the course you are checking. (use course's setting menu for that)
1. As Administrator, enable Activity Completion feature and as a Student, open up a course with several activities and make sure the Activity Completion boxes are displayed on the right side of the activities, adjacent to the activities' names.
2. As a Teacher go through the setting of several (one or more, since it is all the same) Activities to make sure the fitemtitle (right form's div) and the felement (left form's div) are justified to the right and are proportionally aligned to the right. in each Form.
3. As a Teacher, open course grade overview report and check that the grade category title(s) (on the top of the table) are justified to the right.
4. As a Teacher, click the grades link inside the course' setting menu. now, when in grade overview report, click the Scales link on the settings' menu. Now, make sure the Scales table is centred on the screen. (btw, i think it should be the same for LTR mode)
5. As a Teacher, click into a Glossary activity, now, click Categories. now, click Edit Categories. now, check that the categories table is centred. (btw, i think it should be the same for LTR mode) and all table's cells are right aligned. (add some categories, if necessary )
6. As any user, click on the user's name to view its profile page. check to "fullprofile" link is right justified
7. As a Teacher, click into an Assignment. now, click into assignment's submissions. check that the submissions table is right aligned.