
    • MySQL
    • MDL-30643_master-log-speed
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      Run daily statistics with major log entries for a day.

      With more than 150 000 entries, daily statistics generation can take 2 hours to resolve.

      Also run phpunit tests across 5 DB's

      Run daily statistics with major log entries for a day. With more than 150 000 entries, daily statistics generation can take 2 hours to resolve. Also run phpunit tests across 5 DB's

      Daily statistics generation is really slow because SQL queries are not optimized properly. The propblem occurs principaly when you have a lots of entries in the log table (150 000 and more per day). We also observed that the server is responding slowly for users in Moodle while the daily statistics generation is running (Every inserts in log table take about 40-50 seconds).

      December 5th cron log from our server

      Running daily statistics gathering, starting at 1322974800:
      ................  finished until 1323061200: lundi 5 décembre 2011, 00:00 (in 6872 s)
      ...completed 1 days of statistics.

        1. MDL-30643_pu.log
          25 kB
        2. MDL-30643-TZ_phpunit.rtf
          67 kB
        3. mssql_phpunit_output.txt
          49 kB
        4. mssql_phpunit_output2.txt
          49 kB
        5. mssql_phpunit_output3.txt
          57 kB
        6. oracle_phpunit_output.txt
          49 kB
        7. oracle_phpunit_output2.txt
          49 kB
        8. oracle_phpunit_output3.txt
          55 kB
        9. phpunit_MDL-30643_debug_n.txt
          54 kB
        10. stats-v2.patch
          17 kB

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