$token = 'f4458487f63c0558484f4505d61f1245'; // the teachers security key
$domainname = 'http://localhost/moodledev'; // the Moodle server
$functionname = 'core_grading_save_definitions'; // the web service function we are testing
$gradingarea = array(
'cmid' => 3, // the course module id
'contextid' => 232, // the context id
'component' => 'mod_assign',
'areaname' => 'submissions',
'activemethod' => 'guide'
$definition = array(
'method' => 'guide',
'name' => 'Understand zoonose control',
'description' => 'Demonstrate an understanding of the control of zoonoses',
'status' => 20,
'copiedfromid' => 1,
'timecreated' => 1,
'usercreated' => 199,
'timemodified' => 1,
'usermodified' => 199,
'timecopied' => 0
$guidecomment = array(
'sortorder' => 1,
'description' => 'Students need to show that they understand the control of zoonoses',
'descriptionformat' => 0
$guidecriteria1 = array (
'sortorder' => 1,
'shortname' => 'Rabies Control',
'description' => 'Understand rabies control',
'descriptionformat' => 0,
'descriptionmarkers' => 'Student must demonstrate that they understand rabies control',
'descriptionmarkersformat' => 0,
'maxscore' => 50
$guidecriteria2 = array (
'sortorder' => 2,
'shortname' => 'Anthrax Control',
'description' => 'Understand anthrax control',
'descriptionformat' => 0,
'descriptionmarkers' => 'Student must demonstrate that they understand anthrax control',
'descriptionmarkersformat' => 0,
'maxscore' => 50
$definition['guide'] = array('guide_criteria' => array($guidecriteria1, $guidecriteria2),
'guide_comments' => array($guidecomment));
$gradingarea['definitions'] = array($definition);
$params = array('areas' => array ($gradingarea));
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
$serverurl = $domainname . '/webservice/rest/server.php'. '?wstoken=' . $token. '&wsfunction='.$functionname;
$curl = new curl;
$resp = $curl->post($serverurl, $params);