This test script involves making lots of temporary changes to code files. You also need to be able to run CLI commands and look at your web server logs.
1. Edit mod/forum/view.php, and find the line (about line 170):
Immediately after this line, add the following:
2. On your Moodle site, go to any forum.
EXPECTED: You should see a display of the contents of the $cm variable, starting with the 'cm_info' class name shown in a blue badge.
3. Look at and mouse over some of the object property names, e.g. 'modinfo'.
EXPECTED: Popup text should show the property name followed by the access modifier (private, protected, or public) in brackets.
EXPECTED: The on-screen display of these properties should be italic (private), normal (protected), or bold (public).
4. Look at and mouse over some of the values, e.g. the strings shown on the right.
EXPECTED: Popup text should show the type e.g. 'string'.
EXPECTED: Strings should show in green with quotes. Null values should show as 'null' in italic, boolean values should show true/false in italic, numbers should show in blue.
5. Look at some of the arrays.
EXPECTED: The array heading should appear in a grey button with the number of items.
EXPECTED: If you mouse over the array keys, it should show you the name and the type in brackets, like '0 (integer)'.
6. Look for a circular reference, e.g. the 'modinfo' reference inside a cm_info inside the course_modinfo.
EXPECTED: The circular references should be shown in red like [circular reference: course_modinfo].
(You can now put back that temporary code change if you want.)
7. Edit backup/backup.php and find the line (about line 244):
Just before this line, add:
print_object($backup, ['backup_ui', 'backup_controller', '/logger/']);
8. On any course, go to the backup page (More > Course reuse > Backup) and look at the bottom.
EXPECTED: Right at the bottom, you should see a display of the $backup object. Note that the backup_controller and all the *_logger classes are expanded (recursed into), but the backup_plan and backup_ui_stage_initial classes are not.
9. Edit the last code line to add 'true':
print_object($backup, ['backup_ui', 'backup_controller', '/logger/'], true);
10. Reload the page.
EXPECTED: The display at the bottom should now be a boring text-only display; it starts off something like this:
+controller = [backup_controller]
+progress = [object: core\progress\display_if_slow]
+logger = [error_log_logger]
+level = 50
+showdate = false
+showlevel = false
+next = [output_indented_logger]
+level = 20
+showdate = false
+showlevel = false
+next = [file_logger]
+level = 50
+showdate = true
+showlevel = true
+next = [database_logger]
+level = 50
+showdate = true
+showlevel = true
(You can now put back that temporary code change if you want.)
11. Edit admin/cli/cfg.php. Find the line (about line 106):
Just before that line, add this:
print_object($PAGE); exit;
12. Run it as follows:
EXPECTED: You should see something like this:
+_state = 0
+_course = null
+_cm = null
+_module = null
+_context = null
+_categories = null
+_bodyclasses = array (0)
+_title = ''
+_heading = ''
+_pagetype = null
+_pagelayout = 'base'
(The + indicates protected, the * means private.)
You can remove the temporary code now.
13. Edit lib/ajax/service.php and find the following line (about line 45):
Just before this line, ad the following:
14. In your web browser, go to /lib/ajax/service.php.
EXPECTED: You should get a JSON-format error message, containing text such as 'Invalid json in request: Syntax error'
15. Find your web server's error.log and look at the end of it.
EXPECTED: You should see lines containing the text-only format of the print_object output similar to the CLI output, such as the following:
[2023-08-09 15:48:18.229306 GMT] [php:notice] [pid 7120:tid 1232] [client] [moodle_page]
[2023-08-09 15:48:18.229306 GMT] [php:notice] [pid 7120:tid 1232] [client] +_state = 0
[2023-08-09 15:48:18.229306 GMT] [php:notice] [pid 7120:tid 1232] [client] +_course = null
[2023-08-09 15:48:18.229306 GMT] [php:notice] [pid 7120:tid 1232] [client] +_cm = null
[2023-08-09 15:48:18.229306 GMT] [php:notice] [pid 7120:tid 1232] [client] +_module = null
[2023-08-09 15:48:18.231810 GMT] [php:notice] [pid 7120:tid 1232] [client] +_context = null
[2023-08-09 15:48:18.231810 GMT] [php:notice] [pid 7120:tid 1232] [client] +_categories = null
[2023-08-09 15:48:18.231810 GMT] [php:notice] [pid 7120:tid 1232] [client] +_bodyclasses = array (0)
(The final line should be from the default exception handler for the error message.)
You can now remove the final temporary code change!