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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-33488

TinyMCE popup is covered when placed over an embedded video


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 2.0.9, 2.1.6, 2.2.3
    • Filepicker
    • None

      TinyMCE popup is covered when placed over an embedded video.


      • Enable the youtube repository plugin
      • Enable multimedia filters

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Add a forum activity to the course
      • Create a forum topic
      • Click Moodle Media in the textarea
      • Add a couple of youtube videos from the youtube video repository
      • Save forum topic
      • Post a reply to your topic
      • Click Moodle Media in the textarea
      • Move the TinyMCE popup window over the embedded videos

      Notice the header of the TinyMCE window is layered below the embedded video markup.

      I haven't been able to determine what exactly is the issue. So I can't submit a patch right now.

      However I did have a similar issue with a contributed module I developed, where by I was using a YUI panel to load a flash widget and the WYSIWYG icon bar was being layered over top of my flash widget. To resolve the issue I ended up hiding the WYSIWYG icon bar iframe when my popup panel was rendered. Then on the panel close event I simply make the WYSIWYG icon bar visible again.

        1. patch.txt
          0.4 kB
        2. patch.txt
          0.4 kB
        3. tinymce.popup.covered.png
          110 kB
        4. TinyMCE.preview.png
          180 kB

            moodle.com Moodle HQ
            adelamarre Akin Delamarre
            1 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue


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