Replication stpes:-
- Create a new course
- select format of the course as "scorm format"
- Go to site home and click on the just created course.
- Following error is shown before you are redirected to a page to add a scorm pack.
You should really redirect before you start page output
line 666 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to debugging()
line 2487 of /lib/weblib.php: call to core_renderer->redirect_message()
line 721 of /mod/scorm/locallib.php: call to redirect()
line 14 of /course/format/scorm/format.php: call to scorm_course_format_display()
line 264 of /course/view.php: call to require()
- Discovered while testing
MDLQA-3913 Moodle 2.3 QA Cycle 2 Test Session 4
- Open
- duplicates
MDL-28583 redirect() shows ugly error if called after page output has been made
- Closed