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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-34003

In Moodle 2.2 I have uploaded the Common cartridge 1.1 file, the file with webcontent type is not uploaded, only the text inside the body tag is displayed in the moodle page.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 2.2.1
    • Backup: IMS-CC
    • None

      I have taken a backup of the course in Common Cartridge 1.1 format and restored the same file.
      In the course I have created a File and mapped to an HTML.
      In the restored Common Cartridge course it was changed to Page and contains only the content that was inside the body tag of the HTML.

      Kindly help to resolve the issue.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ccimport Vinoth
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