Resolution: Fixed
2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.4
When bring in questions from 1.9 to 2.3.1 Multiple choice questions with multiple answers not all of the answer grade values come in.
Questions are from Moodle 1.9.18+ (Build: 20120624) being imported to Moodle 2.3.1+ (Build: 20120802)
The error shows up with restore course backup and import from Moodle XML.
Settings in exported question:
Multiple choice question
Multiple answers allowed
Choice 1 grade 33.3333%
Choice 2 grade 33.3333%
Choice 3 grade 33.3333%
Choice 4 grade -100%
Choice 5 grade -100%
Choice 6 grade -100%
When imported to 2.3.1 settings:
Multiple choice question
Multiple answers allowed
Choice 1 grade 0%
Choice 2 grade 0%
Choice 3 grade 0%
Choice 4 grade -100%
Choice 5 grade -100%
Choice 6 grade -100%
The -100% on some answers keeps the students from just marking all of the choices to get full credit.
Additional note: This looks to not be an issue with questions that the correct answers are 25% so it may have something to do with the 33.3333% value.