• Hide
      1. Select any moodle theme.
      2. View a course with activities.
      3. Using a web-development tool (eg.FireBug) to examine the source, TEST that each activity's li tag has the classes "activity" and "mod<name_of_activity>", but NOT "modtype<name_of_activity>" or "<name_of_activity>" on its own.
      4. Drag'n'drop a file into the course. TEST that the classes on the li tag created by this process matches the existing resources of the same type.
      5. Hide and show a label, TEST that the text of the label is still dimming in the usual way.
      6. Try to delete a resource and TEST you get a popup with the name of the resource featured in it.
      7. Try to delete a label and TEST you get a generic "do you want to delete this label" message.
      8. Change theme to MyMobile, TEST the text of the label is displayed correctly on the course page.
      9. In the same MyMobile theme, TEST links to a SCORM open externally.

      Note, I'm not too sure about step 9. Perhaps someone with more familiarity with the MyMobile theme could clarify what exactly should happen here.

      Select any moodle theme. View a course with activities. Using a web-development tool (eg.FireBug) to examine the source, TEST that each activity's li tag has the classes "activity" and " mod <name_of_activity>", but NOT " modtype <name_of_activity>" or "<name_of_activity>" on its own. Drag'n'drop a file into the course. TEST that the classes on the li tag created by this process matches the existing resources of the same type. Hide and show a label, TEST that the text of the label is still dimming in the usual way. Try to delete a resource and TEST you get a popup with the name of the resource featured in it. Try to delete a label and TEST you get a generic "do you want to delete this label" message. Change theme to MyMobile, TEST the text of the label is displayed correctly on the course page. In the same MyMobile theme, TEST links to a SCORM open externally. Note, I'm not too sure about step 9. Perhaps someone with more familiarity with the MyMobile theme could clarify what exactly should happen here.

      The Moodle "labels" resource in courses are marked up with a "label" class which clashes with the Bootstrap "label" class.

      The only core use of this is to set the opacity of dimmed text with in the label.

      theme/base/style/core.css, line 45

      .activity.label .dimmed_text {

      But the MyMobile theme seems to use it to do something too:

      theme/mymobile/javascript/custom.js, line 265

      $(this).find(".ithumb .course-content .summary img, .ithumb .course-content .activity.label img, .ithumb .sitetopic .no-overflow img").click(function() {


      .path-site li.activity.label > div,
      .path-course-view li.activity.label > div {
      .ithumb .course-content .summary img, .ithumb .course-content .activity.label img, .ithumb .sitetopic .no-overflow img {
      li.activity.label {
      li.activity.label form.togglecompletion { position: relative; }

            basbrands Bas Brands
            bawjaws David Scotson
            Sam Hemelryk Sam Hemelryk
            1 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue


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