Dear Moodle developers, thank you for creating a platform that from my point of view (an administrator) is very easily managed. I have been a Moodle administrator for 6 years now am about to pass the torch and will no longer be administering Moodle. I have enjoyed using authentication and enrolment plugins, webservices, contributed modules and blocks from contrib and from enterprise, federated access, mnet, tracking with git, the php cli scripts and all of the great administrator tools over the years. As I leave the sysem behind I would like to make my only improvement request for administrators that follow, and that is to formalize the end of year process and create a Moodle Almanac of sorts, I'm sure each institution has a different method of achieving a new academic year on Moodle. I have seen questions about this in the forums over the years. some administrators reset courses which is not even worth considering really, more again just start a new instance and amend the old url accordingly.
The guide doc itself is marked as needing attention
I think perhaps a new Moodle instance would always be required, i.e. database, wwwroot etc but with some method of importing courses/file/quizes etc between the two instances (not publish)
Thanks again,
Rob Duncan