NOTE: This test is a bit difficult as it requires direct access to the filesystem and database of your Moodle server. (Also you should obviously only do this on a test server as it can be dangerous if you get it wrong.)
NOTE: This code change does NOT apply if you have the xsendfile config option turned on (in which case it probably works already without needing this change). So if you have that option on, please turn it off before testing.
The hard part is that you need to create a large file (more than 2GB) in the backup area of a course. If you don't have a very large course for backup, or if backup is currently failing, this can be difficult to do within Moodle, so here are instructions to do it manually.
If you already have a large file in the backup area of a course, you can skip steps 1-9.
1. Locate a large file on your computer. Any type of file will do (could be a video file, a DVD-ROM image, a game installer, or whatever) but it should be around 3GB or more in size. Note the exact size of the file in bytes.
2. Compute the SHA-1 hash of the large file. You can do this using the sha1sum utility (Windows users: download at )
3. Go to any small course on your Moodle server. If there is not already a course backup (or if you want to keep the existing course backup), make a new backup using default options so that it eventually appears in the 'Course backups' section of the Restore page.
4. Mouse over the backup download link for this small file. Note the contextid and filename.
5. Using a database access tool on your server, and using your database prefix (e.g. mdl_) instead of myprefix_, run a query such as:
SELECT * FROM myprefix_files WHERE contextid=? AND component='backup'
6. Look through the results to find the line that corresponds to the backup file above (you're going to overwrite this file with the large file). You will need the id.
7. Run this query with the values you now have. Replace 'aaa (etc)' with the SHA-1 hash, 3333333333 with the file size, and 1111 with the id from the mdl_files table.
update myprefix_files set
where id=1111
8. Now locate the correct position for the file within the Moodle data directory; it should be in filedir/aa/aa where aa/aa are the first four characters of the contenthash. Create this subdirectory if it doesn't already exist.
9. Copy the file into this directory. Rename it so that its filename is the same as the contenthash (no extension).
If you did this right, you have now inserted your large file into the Moodle filesystem. (Note: If you get it wrong, the rest of the test will fail.)
10. Reload the restore page. You should see the file listed with a suitable size such as 3.1GB.
11. Click the Download link next to the file.
EXPECTED: The file should begin downloading. Your browser should show the correct size (e.g. 3.1GB) as it downloads.
12. When the file downloads, run the sha1sum utility again on the downloaded file.
EXPECTED: The SHA-1 hash should be identical to the value seen previously, confirming that the file is exactly identical.
13. From the same restore page or a different one, locate a smaller file (as small as you like, but less than 2GB). Download this file too.
EXPECTED: Download should still complete OK. (This is just checking that I didn't break 'normal' downloads.)