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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-40084

Export related files in database activity export


    • MDL-40084-master
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      Testing scenario 1. Export CSV and ODS

      1. Create a course
      2. Create a database activity and add two fields, one of the type "picture" and one of the type "file"
      3. Add new entry by uploading a file "file.txt" and a picture "picture.png"
      4. Add new entry by uploading a file "file2.txt" a picture "picture.png" (same name for being able to test if duplicate file names are handled properly when exporting)
      5. Go to "Actions"->"Export entries", choose "CSV"
      6. Confirm you can choose both the file and the picture field
      7. Confirm the option "Include files in export" is checked
      8. Click "Export entries"
      9. You will be prompted to download zip archive containing the csv file and a directory "files" including the picture and the file you uploaded.
      10. Confirm the subdirectory "files" in the zip archive contains files "file.txt", "file2.txt", "picture.png" and "picture_1.png"
      11. Confirm that the csv file in the zip archive root directory contains the correspoding filenames in the file/picture field column
      12. Do the same like described until here, but instead of csv use ods export.
      13. Confirm the result with ODS is the same as with the CSV.

      Testing scenario 2. Import entries

      1. Go to "Actions"->"Import entries"
      2. Upload the zip archive (the one with csv, not the ods) into the file manager
      3. Click "Submit"
      4. Go back to the database page, for example List view
      5. Confirm that there are 2 new database entries with same information than the two original ones with one exception: The 4th entry will have the same picture than the second one (expected), but the filename will differ: "picture.png" vs "picture_1.png"
      Testing scenario 1. Export CSV and ODS Create a course Create a database activity and add two fields, one of the type "picture" and one of the type "file" Add new entry by uploading a file "file.txt" and a picture "picture.png" Add new entry by uploading a file "file2.txt" a picture "picture.png" (same name for being able to test if duplicate file names are handled properly when exporting) Go to "Actions"->"Export entries", choose "CSV" Confirm you can choose both the file and the picture field Confirm the option "Include files in export" is checked Click "Export entries" You will be prompted to download zip archive containing the csv file and a directory "files" including the picture and the file you uploaded. Confirm the subdirectory "files" in the zip archive contains files "file.txt", "file2.txt", "picture.png" and "picture_1.png" Confirm that the csv file in the zip archive root directory contains the correspoding filenames in the file/picture field column Do the same like described until here, but instead of csv use ods export. Confirm the result with ODS is the same as with the CSV. Testing scenario 2. Import entries Go to "Actions"->"Import entries" Upload the zip archive (the one with csv, not the ods) into the file manager Click "Submit" Go back to the database page, for example List view Confirm that there are 2 new database entries with same information than the two original ones with one exception: The 4th entry will have the same picture than the second one (expected), but the filename will differ: "picture.png" vs "picture_1.png"

      It is currently not possible to export files from a file field in a database. Is this something that could be looked into and improved?

      All the files could be zipped up and referenced in the accompanying csv file - similar to how a course backup works maybe.

        1. export_xmlformat.png
          21 kB
        2. import_entries_strings.png
          68 kB
        3. includefilesinexport.png
          15 kB
        4. MDL-40084.png
          1.60 MB
        5. zipformat_newissue.png
          18 kB

            phmemmel PhMemmel
            curtiskennington Curtis Kennington
            Laurent David Laurent David
            Sara Arjona (@sarjona) Sara Arjona (@sarjona)
            Ron Carl Alfon Yu Ron Carl Alfon Yu
            25 Vote for this issue
            36 Start watching this issue


                Original Estimate - 0 minutes
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 1 day, 6 minutes
                1d 6m

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