Resolution: Won't Do
The introduction of the alternate name fields has highlighted how some of the pages display names. We think that there should be more consistency through out moodle.
The following are some of the areas that should be considered:
Places where name is not displayed accordingly to fullnamedisplay
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- Blog post: by Admin User - Wednesday, 10 July 2013, 2:24 PM
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- Name on listing of topics (Started by column). (Home ► My courses ► Miscellaneous ► Arkadia ► General ► News forum)
- In a topic itself: by Admin User - Wednesday, 10 July 2013, 2:42 PM
- In a topic itself (after searching)
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- Reports > Overview
- Comments on a Wiki page
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-58809 Create a method that returns array of user names visible to current user
- Closed
- Testing discovered
MDL-31776 Additional name fields, to allow Asian languages to flexibly display user names in Chinese characters, local phonetic system or Romanization
- Closed
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-1071 Implement user disguises
- Reopened