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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-41328

Tinymce: when editing is on, can not move caret position on iOS 6


    • MDL-41328-master
    • Hide

      Type something.

      Close the keyboard.

      Click where you want to move to.

      Type something.

      Type something. Close the keyboard. Click where you want to move to. Type something.
    • Hide
      1. On iOS
      2. Make sure TinyMCE is the configured editor
      3. Turn editing on
      4. Edit settings for a course and test the tinymce editor in the summary
      5. Make sure you can type some text, click somewhere else and keep typing without closing the virtual keyboard.
      6. Repeat the test using a desktop browser (any).
      On iOS Make sure TinyMCE is the configured editor Turn editing on Edit settings for a course and test the tinymce editor in the summary Make sure you can type some text, click somewhere else and keep typing without closing the virtual keyboard. Repeat the test using a desktop browser (any).

      on iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch:

      • connect as admin or teacher
      • go to a course. Turn editing on.
      • Edit Course settings
      • in the description enter:
        "This is the beginning of the desc...
        this is the end of the desc."
      • now single tap between the text. Your caret should have move where you tapped, you should be able to add more text there. You currently can't.

            dobedobedoh Andrew Lyons
            jerome Jérôme Mouneyrac
            Damyon Wiese Damyon Wiese
            Dan Poltawski Dan Poltawski
            Michael de Raadt Michael de Raadt
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue


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