This is only broken in master, I tested on 2.5 and it is fine.
- Ensure you are using the clean theme.
- Install the Hebrew language pack.
- Visit a course.
- Click on 'Restore' under 'Course administration'.
- In the URL add '&lang=he'.
- Click on the button above the filearea.
- Notice the upload file form is displayed below the file manager.
- Cry yourself to sleep.
Previous master diff url was (though nothing's there any more.)
- Discovered while testing
MDL-45561 Horizontal scroll broken in base/standard theme for RTL
- Closed
MDL-45528 File picker has extra blank row in toolbar in RTL
- Closed
- is a regression caused by
MDL-39851 Full screen popup for mobile (filepicker/activitychooser)
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MDL-42197 Filepicker content is displayed out of the filepicker when the user zooms out the browser window.
- Closed
MDL-43637 File Picker displays incorrectly if font size is too small.
- Closed
MDL-43469 File Picker window not displayed properly in Chrome
- Closed
- Testing discovered
MDL-36126 Error restoring a Moodle 1.9.x course to Moodle 2.x due to long filenames
- Closed