One common scenario used in forums is to establish a dialog with a topic between instructor and a group. This topic is the same for all groups involved. If these discussions are to be kept confidential (such as for a one-on-one dialog with each student) groups are created and populated and the forum activity is set to separate groups.
Currently instructors can select to which group the topic is assigned when creating the new discussion topic. This selection is a pulldown menu which includes All participants, and the groups defined.
Since we want this private and choosing "All participants" results in a topic that no students can reply to, instructors must recreate and submit the same topic post for each group in the course.
Can an option "All groups" be added to this selection menu which pushes a topic to each group assigned to the forum activity?
- duplicates
MDL-14394 bulk posting into all groups when forum in separate mode
- Closed