Resolution: Fixed
If auto-saving has been turned on in the quiz, then we are able to detect when the student's internet connection has dropped, and warn them before they do something that causes them to lose their responses.
The warning needs to be quite discreet, so as not to distract or confuse studens too much during their test, but clear enough that it serves the purpose.
I think the warning should appear in the question navigation block, just above the 'End test...' link and probably also just above the Next button at the bottom of the page. Something like:
Warning! connection to the server lost.
The help icon would display slighly more information:
Something went wrong when automatically saving your responses. This suggests that you have lost your internet connection.
You should make a note of any responses you have input recently, then try to re-establish your connection before continuing.
We will probably only display this warning after two or three successive auto-saves have failed, to reduce false postitives.