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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-42676

The "This assignment is not accepting submissions" message is displayed in the assignment when override the grade


    • MDL-42676-master
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      Testing steps:

      1. Create / use a Moodle Course with a Teacher and Student enrolled.
      2. Add mod assign (assignment) to the Moodle Course.
      3. Log in as Teacher, and enter the Gradebook
      4. Enter a grade override for a student in that assign (assignment).
      5. Log in as same Student used in Step 4.
      6. Try to submit to the assignment - you should be able to.
      7. You should see the "Grading status" = "Graded" message.
      8. You should not see "This assignment is not accepting submissions" message (as previously reported in this issue)
      Testing steps: Create / use a Moodle Course with a Teacher and Student enrolled. Add mod assign (assignment) to the Moodle Course. Log in as Teacher, and enter the Gradebook Enter a grade override for a student in that assign (assignment). Log in as same Student used in Step 4. Try to submit to the assignment - you should be able to. You should see the "Grading status" = "Graded" message. You should not see "This assignment is not accepting submissions" message (as previously reported in this issue)

      Discovered this while testing MDL-34989. As a student, the "This assignment is not accepting submissions" message is displayed in the assignment when the grade is overriden in the gradebook. But the student is allowed to submit something.

      To reproduce:

      1. Create mod assign.
      2. Enter gradebook, enter a grade override for a student in that assign.
      3. Become that student and try and submit to the assignment - you should be able to but you will see the "This assignment is not accepting submissions" message.

            zig Zig Tan (Inactive)
            leblangi Gilles-Philippe Leblanc
            Damyon Wiese Damyon Wiese
            Andrew Lyons Andrew Lyons
            Gladys Basiana Gladys Basiana
            6 Vote for this issue
            12 Start watching this issue


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