Create a course and enrol a couple of users
Add a badge to the course
Course administration > badges > manage badges
Add criteria to the badge and select "manual issued by role" and choose all of the roles
Enable access to the badge
Go to the recipients tab and click award badge
Choose a role and award a student the badge
Log in as that student and view your course badges and confirm there is an issued date for you
Navigation > Courses > [your course] > badges > course badges
Go to the student Profile and add the badge to your backpack
User Preferences > Backpack settings > Sign into backpack.openbadges
User Preferences > Manage badges > Click "Add to backpack" icon under the new badge.
Click Log in or Sign up as needed, follow instructions and Accept the badge into your backpack.
Right click and copy path of the badge (should look like [wwwroot] /badges/badge.php?hash= [uniquehashid] )
In another tab navigate to and paste the copied link into the box. Find the hash value
and replace the "badge.php?hash=" in the URL with "assertion.php?b="
Check Validity, it should return Valid. Keep this tab open for the last check.
Log back in as admin/teacher and remove the badge from that student
Course administration > badges > manage badges - click on recipient number - click on award badge
Log back in as the student and view your course badges and confirm the issued date has been removed
In the tab click the Check Validity button again
You should see an Invalid response and the following information in the error: "expected": 200, "received": 410
Now copy the URL in the validator box, and paste it into the browser bar. It should show