Note: the only required form field for creating a new quiz is Name. Apart from that, and settings mentioned explicitly, leave everything at the default.
A-E are now done by behat, so focus on F-H.
A. Normal quiz
- Create a quiz with Grade -> Attempts allowed set to 1.
- Add at least one question (true/false is quickest to make and attempt).
- As a student, go to the Quiz and click the Start attempt button.
- Verify that the attempt starts immediately in the same browser window.
B. Quiz with time-limit and password - cancel
- Create a quiz with Timing -> Time limit set to something, and Extra restrictions -> Require password set to your favourite word.
- Add at least one question.
- As a student, go to the Quiz and click the Start attempt button.
- Verify that a JavaScript modal dialogue appears, warning you about the time limit, and asking you to supply the password.
- Click Cancel, and veriy that the modal closes without the page reloading.
C. Quiz with time-limit and password - smooth case
... This continues from the previous scenario.
- Click the Start attempt button again.
- Type in the correct password and click Start attempt.
- Verify that the attempt starts immediately in the same browser window.
D. Quiz with time-limit and password - student error then cancel case
... This continues from the previous scenario.
- Finish the started attempt, and do Finish review, to get back to mod/quiz/view.php without an active attempt.
- Click the Start attempt button again.
- Type in the wrong password and click Start attempt.
- The page will reload, the the 'Are you sure you want to start' form will be displayed full-screen with the validation errors.
- Click Cancel.
- Verify you get back to the mod/quiz/view.php page.
E. Quiz with time-limit and password - student error case
... This continues from the previous scenario.
- Click the Start attempt button again.
- Type in the wrong password and click Start attempt.
- The page will reload, the the 'Are you sure you want to start' form will be displayed full-screen with the validation errors.
- Type in the correct password and click Start attempt.
- Verify that the attempt starts in the same browser window.
F. Quiz without restrictions, but in secure window.
- Create a quiz with Extra restrictions -> Show more... -> Browser security set to Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript security.
- Add at least one question.
- As a student, go to the Quiz and click the Start attempt button.
- Verify that the attempt starts immediately in a full-screen pop-up window.
G. Quiz with time-limit and password - in secure window - smooth case
- Create a quiz with Timing -> Time limit set to something, Extra restrictions -> Require password set to your favourite word, and Extra restrictions -> Show more... -> Browser security set to Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript security.
- Add at least one question.
- As a student, go to the Quiz and click the Start attempt button.
- Verify that a JavaScript modal dialogue appears, warning you about the time limit, and asking you to supply the password.
- Type in the correct password and click Start attempt.
- Verify that the attempt then starts in a full-screen pop-up window.
H. Quiz with time-limit and password - in secure window - student error case
... This continues from the previous scenario.
- Finish the started attempt, and do Finish review, which will close the pop-up window, to get back to mod/quiz/view.php without an active attempt.
- Click the Start attempt button.
- Type in the wrong password and click Start attempt.
- The pop-up window will open full screen, and the the 'Are you sure you want to start' form will be displayed there with the validation errors.
- Type in the correct password and click Start attempt.
- The attempt should then start withing the same pop-up window.
I. Reward yourself for completing this testing marathon
- Consume some chocolate/beer/bisucits/nice healthy fruit of your choice