Resolution: Fixed
2.7.1, 2.7.7, 2.8.3
MDL-46746-master -
- In MS Word, create a document with a copyright symbol.
- Copy the text and paste it into the HTML editor.
- Save and confirm the symbol appears correctly in the saved text.
Atto has a cleanHTML() function (run both when the text is saved, and when using Undo) that replaces certain non-ASCII characters with ASCII renderings, e.g.
- "½" -> "1/2"
- "©" -> "(c)"
- "…" -> "..."
This was added in MDL-43857, from a third party filtering script from around 2006 - when presumably document encodings and UTF-8 handling was less robust.
As UTF-8 handling is better now than in 2006, and the ASCII rendeerings are quite ugly, filtering of these extended characters should be removed.
Additionally - given that TinyMCE doesn't do this filtering - this could be considered a regression in functionality resulting from making Atto the default editor.
Replication steps:
- Create Page activity.
- Enter some text including extended charcters "½©…" - e.g. this line.
- Make some of the text bold.
- Use the Undo function to remove the bold formatting.
Expected results: No change to the extended characters.
Actual results: The extended characters are replaced with ASCII renditions.
Forum discussion: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=265622