Resolution: Not a bug
When Server Files repository is enabled and you try to use one of the files in a resource, etc. You receive the following error:
Debug info: Not an unserializeable value Error code: filereferenceproblem $a contents: stdClass Object ( [repositoryid] => [reference] => {"contextid":284800,"component":"course","filearea":"legacy","itemid":"0","filepath":"\/","filename":"070521_thinker_statue_02.jpg"} [referencefileid] => [fileid] => )
* line 1942 of /lib/filestorage/file_storage.php: file_reference_exception thrown
* line 838 of /repository/lib.php: call to file_storage::unpack_reference()
* line 907 of /repository/lib.php: call to repository::get_moodle_file()
* line 335 of /repository/repository_ajax.php: call to repository->copy_to_area()
To replicate this, turn on Server Files plug-in, go into a course and add a label, in the label settings use the "Insert/add image" button, go to "Fine or upload and image", navigate to a file in the "server files", make sure "make a copy of this file" is selected and hit the "select this file" button.