Issue: Any course level calendar entry added for March 10-March 31 2014 are showing up on the calendar, but when you go to the the Day View for that day you get the "There are no events this day."
Steps to Replicate:
-Create a course
-Add Calendar Block to the Course
-Go to the Calendar and create an event with the following parameters:
--Type of Event : Course
--Date: March 11, 2014 00:00
--Without Duration
--No Repeating Event
-Click Save - You will see the calendar event
-Go into the Calendar
-Go to March 2014
-Look for that entry
-Click the day
Result: You will get the "There are no events this day." message
Expected Result: The calendar entry has shown
This may have to do with a daylight savings time issue, but given the site test had:
Site Timezone: Server Local Time
User Timezone: Server Local Time
This occurs as long as the hour is set to 00 (i.e. 00:05, 00:15, etc...) do not work
Was able to replicate on Moodle 2.6.3 & 2.7.1
Workaround: During that time period schedule events to start at 01:00 or later
- duplicates
MDL-46517 Calendar block links to incorrect day during month of DST change
- Closed