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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-47172

Display 'You have assignments that need attention' when more relevant to students and teachers.


    • MDL-47172-master
    • Hide

      Behaviour we are seeking:

      • Students to receive 'assignment needs attention' alert when there are open-submissions for them.
      • Teachers to receive the same alert when there are new submissions to grade.

      As Admin:

      1. Create course.
      2. Enrol users.
      3. Create an assignment with Attempts Reopened to Automatically Until Pass. (under Submission Settings) and online text submissions enabled.

      As the teacher:

      1. Login and go to My Home.
      2. The block for the new course should have no text under it. Just the course name.

      As the student:

      1. Login.
      2. Go to My Home - Should have an alert on Course Overview that you have assignments requiring your attention.
      3. Add a submission.
      4. Back on course overview, no longer should see the alert.

      As the teacher:

      1. Login and go to My Home
      2. Check that you still get 'there are assignments that require your attention' text on the Course Overview.
      3. If you click on said text, it should indicate that there is 1 submission to grade.
      4. Go to the course Gradebook.
      5. Set the Grade to Pass for the assignment to 50.
      6. Grade the above students submission to 40.
      7. Submission should reopen for that student.
      8. As teacher you should not see the text 'there are assignments that require your attention' any more in the overview

      As the student:

      1. Login and go to My home
      2. Ensure the attention alert is back (You have assignments that need attention)
      3. Click the alert, it should show that the assignment has been reopened.
      4. Submit again
      5. Ensure alert is gone now.

      As the teacher:

      1. Login and go to my home.
      2. Ensure you see the alert
      3. This time grade the submission above the fail mark of 50.
      4. Go back to my home. No text should appear under the course name.

      Login as student:

      1. You should not see the alert.

      Create an offline assignment and visit home page as a student. Make sure you don't see any alert related to this assignment.

      Run unit tests (mdk phpunit -r -t mod_assign_lib_testcase) and make sure they pass.

      Behaviour we are seeking: Students to receive 'assignment needs attention' alert when there are open-submissions for them. Teachers to receive the same alert when there are new submissions to grade. As Admin: Create course. Enrol users. Create an assignment with Attempts Reopened to Automatically Until Pass. (under Submission Settings) and online text submissions enabled. As the teacher: Login and go to My Home. The block for the new course should have no text under it. Just the course name. As the student: Login. Go to My Home - Should have an alert on Course Overview that you have assignments requiring your attention. Add a submission. Back on course overview, no longer should see the alert. As the teacher: Login and go to My Home Check that you still get 'there are assignments that require your attention' text on the Course Overview. If you click on said text, it should indicate that there is 1 submission to grade. Go to the course Gradebook. Set the Grade to Pass for the assignment to 50. Grade the above students submission to 40. Submission should reopen for that student. As teacher you should not see the text 'there are assignments that require your attention' any more in the overview As the student: Login and go to My home Ensure the attention alert is back (You have assignments that need attention) Click the alert, it should show that the assignment has been reopened. Submit again Ensure alert is gone now. As the teacher: Login and go to my home. Ensure you see the alert This time grade the submission above the fail mark of 50. Go back to my home. No text should appear under the course name. Login as student: You should not see the alert. Create an offline assignment and visit home page as a student. Make sure you don't see any alert related to this assignment. Run unit tests (mdk phpunit -r -t mod_assign_lib_testcase) and make sure they pass.
    • Team Beards Sprint 3
    • Small

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create course
      2. Create assignment
      3. Login as Student who is enrolled in above course
      4. Click My Home

      In the Course Overview block under 'Course' it will have a string saying that you have assignments that need attention. If you click on it it will indicate that your new assignment has not been submitted or graded.

      1. Click the assignment
      2. Submit a file
      3. Click My Home

      Same attention grabbing display as before, except when you click it it indicates the assignment has been submitted but not graded.

      I propose changing the code to only display this while you have not submitted anything. Re-opening of course if you are required to resubmit.

      Also, the behaviour for teachers could be improved by only displaying the warning text when there are gradeable submissions available.

            ankit_frenz Ankit Agarwal
            zac Zachary Durber
            Zachary Durber Zachary Durber
            David Monllaó David Monllaó
            Andrew Lyons Andrew Lyons
            6 Vote for this issue
            15 Start watching this issue


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