Resolution: Fixed
MDL-47960-master -
I guess the user menu is causing this:
(::) failed steps (::)
01. The "(//html/.//a[./@href][(((./@id = 'My private files' or contains(normalize-space(string(.)), 'My private files')) or contains(./@title, 'My private files') or contains(./@rel, 'My private files')) or .//img[contains(./@alt, 'My private files')])] | .//*[./@role = 'link'][((./@id = 'My private files' or contains(./@value, 'My private files')) or contains(./@title, 'My private files') or contains(normalize-space(string(.)), 'My private files'))])[1]" xpath node is not visible and it should be visible
In step `And I follow "My private files"'. # behat_general::click_link()
From scenario `Add files recently uploaded'. # /Users/danp/moodles/im/moodle/repository/recent/tests/behat/add_recent.feature:8
Of feature `Recent files repository lists the recently used files'. # /Users/danp/moodles/im/moodle/repository/recent/tests/behat/add_recent.feature
1 scenario (1 failed)
Yep, more failures:
danp@lisa:~/www/im (master)$ behat `pwd`/repository/tests/behat/overwrite_file.feature
Set $CFG->behat_faildump_path to /Users/danp/www/behat_runs/20141029_153426/ on im
Moodle 2.8beta+ (Build: 20141028), pgsql, 4f8267025025fc510336652ae19f13ad7dbccc8f
Server OS "Darwin", Browser: "firefox"
Started at 29-10-2014, 15:34
(::) failed steps (::)
01. The "(//html/.//a[./@href][(((./@id = 'My private files' or contains(normalize-space(string(.)), 'My private files')) or contains(./@title, 'My private files') or contains(./@rel, 'My private files')) or .//img[contains(./@alt, 'My private files')])] | .//*[./@role = 'link'][((./@id = 'My private files' or contains(./@value, 'My private files')) or contains(./@title, 'My private files') or contains(normalize-space(string(.)), 'My private files'))])[1]" xpath node is not visible and it should be visible
In step `And I follow "My private files"'. # behat_general::click_link()
From scenario `Upload a file in filemanager and overwrite it'. # /Users/danp/moodles/im/moodle/repository/tests/behat/overwrite_file.feature:8
Of feature `Overwrite file feature'. # /Users/danp/moodles/im/moodle/repository/tests/behat/overwrite_file.feature
1 scenario (1 failed)
34 steps (8 passed, 25 skipped, 1 failed)
danp@lisa:~/www/im (master)$ behat `pwd`/repository/tests/behat/delete_files.feature
Set $CFG->behat_faildump_path to /Users/danp/www/behat_runs/20141029_153454/ on im
Moodle 2.8beta+ (Build: 20141028), pgsql, 4f8267025025fc510336652ae19f13ad7dbccc8f
Server OS "Darwin", Browser: "firefox"
Started at 29-10-2014, 15:34
(::) failed steps (::)
01. The "(//html/.//a[./@href][(((./@id = 'My private files' or contains(normalize-space(string(.)), 'My private files')) or contains(./@title, 'My private files') or contains(./@rel, 'My private files')) or .//img[contains(./@alt, 'My private files')])] | .//*[./@role = 'link'][((./@id = 'My private files' or contains(./@value, 'My private files')) or contains(./@title, 'My private files') or contains(normalize-space(string(.)), 'My private files'))])[1]" xpath node is not visible and it should be visible
In step `And I follow "My private files"'. # behat_general::click_link()
From scenario `Delete a file and a folder'. # /Users/danp/moodles/im/moodle/repository/tests/behat/delete_files.feature:8
Of feature `Delete files and folders from the file manager'. # /Users/danp/moodles/im/moodle/repository/tests/behat/delete_files.feature
1 scenario (1 failed)
16 steps (5 passed, 10 skipped, 1 failed)