Test 1 (BEFORE UPGRADE) on all supported DBs.
Create a bunch of assignments.
Make a few submissions as students.
Mark these submissions as a teacher.
Go to the assign table and make note of the ids of the assignments you created.
Delete all the assignments except for one.
Confirm that the assign_user_flags and assign_user_mapping tables do contain values for the assignments you deleted.
Perform the upgrade.
Confirm that the assign_user_flags and assign_user_mapping tables do not contain any values for the assignments you deleted, but do for the assignment you did not delete.
Test 2
Create an assignment.
Make a few submissions as students.
Mark these submissions as a teacher.
Go to the assign table and make note of the id of the assignment you created.
Delete the assignment.
Confirm that the assign_user_flags and assign_user_mapping tables do not contain any values for the assignment you deleted.
Test 3
Create an assignment.
Make a few submissions as students.
Mark these submissions as a teacher.
Visit 'Course administration' > 'Reset'.
Under 'Assignments' check 'Delete all submissions' and then 'Reset course'.
Confirm that the assign_user_flags do not contain any values for the assignment you deleted.